You and your spouse met in high school and married shortly after graduation. Together you raised a family and built your dream home. Now, the strong bond that you had has fizzled out. You find yourself wondering if the two of you are heading for a divorce. Sometimes...
We Listen. We Think. We Find Solutions.
Month: August 2022
A gray divorce often has a different focus
People get divorced at all ages. Some are young couples who have only been married for a few years or even a few months. Others are older couples who have been married for decades and are finally deciding to end that marriage. Many others fall somewhere in between on...
Negotiating post-secondary education costs with your co-parent
There are a lot of things to manage when you’re negotiating your divorce. If you have minor children, issues related to child support are usually among the most important. However, there’s one area that’s easy to overlook, especially if your children are still young:...