Many people find it hard to step away from a committed relationship, even after a divorce. Sticking to social media can just make it worse if an ex-spouse tries to reach out. When considering a divorce, the best way to stop your your soon-to-be ex from interacting...
We Listen. We Think. We Find Solutions.
Month: October 2022
Can you stop making alimony payments when your ex remarries?
Family law judges in New Jersey have the authority to order alimony or spousal support when couples divorce. A dependent spouse who gave up their career to serve as a stay-at-home parent can rely on payments from their wage-earning ex until they get back on their...
Can your children refuse to see you after a divorce?
People have many fears that may keep them from filing for divorce. One of the most common is the fear that their children will grow to hate them and will never want to see them again. Especially when there is bad blood between parents, the possibility is there for one...
Why divorce and social media don’t mix
When you first start using social media, you likely have honest intentions. You may keep up with friends and family and share posts you find interesting or entertaining. However, it's been found that for many people, social media becomes a source of issues in...