Child custody is a crucial part of a divorce involving children. You and your spouse can agree on this subject and make it official, or the court can make an order based on the child's best interest. Nonetheless, it's possible to modify the existing order. The...
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Child Custody
Divorce in the age of digital surveillance
One major red flag that your marriage may be irretrievably broken is if you’re considering surreptitiously recording a conversation with your spouse. But let’s be honest – it happens. Before determining whether you should surveil your spouse by any legal means, what...
Creating a parenting plan that works for everyone
If you and your child’s other parent are ending your romantic attachment but want to remain actively involved parents, you’ll need to construct a parenting plan as part of your broader child custody arrangement. An effective parenting plan will allow you both to...
Can your children refuse to see you after a divorce?
People have many fears that may keep them from filing for divorce. One of the most common is the fear that their children will grow to hate them and will never want to see them again. Especially when there is bad blood between parents, the possibility is there for one...
Managing your child’s access to technology across two homes
With another school year comes the opportunity for your child to see what new electronics their friends and classmates got over the summer and how they compare to their own. Maybe you’re also thinking it’s time to invest in a laptop for your child – or give them one...
Would you benefit from virtual visitation?
It can be hard to find a child custody schedule that works for both you and your ex. You may find yourself in a situation where you want to have a visitation with your child, but there's just no way for you to be physically present. This can be frustrating if...
Prenup tips from the celebrity column
A prenuptial agreement is a very good way for both parties to be honest about their assets. It can also serve as a stepping stone for deeper conversations about your relationship. Famous people have long recognized the value of these agreements because their lives...
Do New Jersey custody modifications require litigation?
Your parental rights reflect the existing custody order for your family. When you get to see the children and your level of decision-making authority depends on your custody arrangements. You and your ex may have litigated the initial custody terms, or you may have...
The challenges of divorcing when you have a teen
Maybe you and your spouse have been waiting until your children got a little older to end your marriage because you feared a divorce would traumatize them. Perhaps you’ve just had more time to focus on your own feelings of unhappiness now that your children don’t need...
Child custody and relocating out of state
Divorce often comes with a variety of changes for the whole family. Many times, these changes include moving, new schools and new jobs. For one reason or another, one parent may want or need to move out of state and relocate with the children. When a custodial parent...