Many topics to be discussed with a prenup New Jersey couples can use prenuptial agreements to discuss and agree on a wide variety of topics from estate planning to divorce details. New Jersey residents who are engaged to be married should be able to enjoy planning...
Christina Doodnauth
Divorcing in New Jersey? Beware of these four financial pitfalls
Divorcing in New Jersey? Beware of these four financial pitfalls Divorcing spouses should avoid common financial errors, such as pursuing the wrong assets, budgeting poorly, being shortsighted and creating extra expenses. Divorce can have huge impacts on a person's...
Domestic partnership FAQ
Domestic partnership FAQ Domestic partnerships did not become a thing of the past when same sex marriage became legal. Find out more about this legal relationship status. Domestic partnerships used to be a common way for same sex couples to gain legal status as a...
Loss of alimony tax break could change divorce negotiations
Divorces are expected to get more contentious with the new tax law scrapping the alimony deduction. The recent passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in Washington may not sound like it has much to do with family law, but buried in the act is an important change that...
Why you should consider drafting a prenuptial agreement
No one enters a marriage thinking about what could happen if he or she goes through a divorce. You are probably not considering the potential of your marriage ending at some point in the future before you even walk down the aisle, but it could be wise for you to do...
What if your child doesn’t want to see their other parent?
You and your co-parent worked hard to negotiate a custody agreement that allows both of you to remain actively involved in your child's life. However, suddenly your child doesn't want to see their other parent.Why kids refuse to see a parent This can happen at any age...