Child Custody & Visitation

Let Our Experience Help You

HomePractice AreasCustodyChild Custody & Visitation

Helping You Protect Your Children And Your Rights

At Newsome O’Donnell, LLC, we understand that making sure your children are loved and safe is your No. 1 priority. Every decision you make throughout the divorce process is made with your children in mind, and we will take the same approach to resolving the legal side of your divorce. Our attorneys have extensive experience resolving divorce and family law issues involving children in New Jersey. We look forward to listening to your concerns and goals and devising a strategy that puts your children’s best interest first.

What Is A Parenting Plan?

For lack of a better term, a parenting plan is essentially a custody agreement. It lays out the rules for how you will co-parent your children, who will be empowered to make decisions, where the children will spend their time, and more. You and the other parent will be required to attend a mandatory parenting education workshop that is designed to help both of you prepare for your new parenting situation. The court will consider numerous factors when deciding whether to approve a parenting plan, including:

  • The stability of the child’s life
  • The home environment of each parent
  • The child’s relationship with each parent
  • Opportunities for the child with each parent
  • The child’s special needs
  • Any history of domestic violence or abuse

Our attorneys work with professional experts such as forensic psychologists and psychiatrists to demonstrate our clients’ parenting strengths and improve their negotiating position.

Put Our Experience On Your Side

Our attorneys bring more than 75 years of combined experience to child custody issues. We understand your need to spend consistent time with your children and look forward to helping you achieve your goals. Call 973-692-6500 or contact us online to schedule an initial consultation. From our office in Morristown, we represent mothers and fathers throughout New Jersey.