

Alimony vs. palimony in New Jersey

When you file for divorce from your spouse, you may be awarded alimony. This is financial support paid by one spouse (usually the main earner or the person who earns a higher salary) to the other. However, New Jersey also allows palimony. Do you know what palimony is...

Can you stop making alimony payments when your ex remarries?

Family law judges in New Jersey have the authority to order alimony or spousal support when couples divorce. A dependent spouse who gave up their career to serve as a stay-at-home parent can rely on payments from their wage-earning ex until they get back on their...

Is spousal support legally enforceable?

If you had been married for a considerable period, you were probably used to a certain way of life. Divorce should not pull that rug from under your feet arbitrarily, so your ex-spouse is supposed to pay spousal support (alimony). Whether short or long in nature, that...

What is palimony and how does it work in New Jersey?

Spousal Support is a legal obligation that requires one person to financially provide for their spouse or partner with whom they are divorcing, separating, or breaking up. "Palimony" is essentially the same thing, but it involves financial support from one unmarried...

Don’t overlook these expenses when you request alimony

Things tend to process pretty quickly when you file for divorce. That's one reason why attorneys generally recommend their clients to do some pre-planning in advance of filing. It gives them an upper hand in what transpires. If you plan to request alimony, one thing...

What can you do when your ex won’t pay support?

On behalf of Newsome O'Donnell, LLC posted in Child Support on Thursday, February 18, 2021. When two people decide to have a child together, they're agreeing to the responsibility of raising that child. If they divorce, one of the parents will likely need to pay child...