Although the courts may treat you and your spouse as a family of two, you may think of yourself as a family of four because of your beloved English bulldogs. They are the children that you never had, and both of you have a deep bond with the animals. Maybe you have...
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3 situations when mediating a divorce won’t work
If you're in the very early stages of divorce or have recently separated from your ex-spouse, people may have asked you if you've considered going through mediation. You'll probably have heard all sorts of stories about how it's either worked out great or, in some...
If you file for divorce, does your spouse have to leave the house?
If you watch movies and TV shows where someone gets divorced, there is sometimes a scene where one spouse says that they want to end the marriage and that the other person has to leave the house. They might tell them that “all their stuff is on the lawn” and they have...
2 ways your ex may try to keep your assets
As you go through a divorce, the financial side is going to be very important, and you and your ex are supposed to split up the assets that you own. This can be complicated, but the general idea is simply that dividing your assets is a key part of dividing your life...
Divorce cases will likely spike after the new year
The new year is incredibly exciting on many levels. People often view this as a chance to get a fresh start and make resolutions for how life will be different. They may be excited to celebrate New Year’s Day with their friends, perhaps while watching hockey or...
3 steps to protect your online activity after divorce
Many people find it hard to step away from a committed relationship, even after a divorce. Sticking to social media can just make it worse if an ex-spouse tries to reach out. When considering a divorce, the best way to stop your your soon-to-be ex from interacting...