Unmarried Couples

HomeUnmarried Couples

Custody and visitation in non-divorce settings

In New Jersey, a child custody case does not always necessarily mean that a divorce is taking place. Child custody is an issue that may need to be resolved if the parents are unmarried or if another family member wants custody or visitation rights. In a case where...

Eligibility for a New Jersey domestic partnership

A domestic partnership is a legal relationship between two people that provides some, but not all, of the same benefits as a marriage. Domestic partnerships became an option for same-sex and opposite-sex couples after the Domestic Partnership Act was passed by the New...

Benefits of no-nups in New Jersey

In March 2012, 15.3 million heterosexual adults were living with a partner to whom they were not married. However, couples who are not married may still benefit from having a written agreement known as a no-nup that outlines what happens if one person falls ill or...

Unmarried fathers and parental rights

Unmarried biological fathers in New Jersey have a right to access to their children unless that contact is in some way harmful to the children. Courts use the guidelines of the child's best interests in order to determine custody and visitation schedules. For an...

Domestic partnership dissolution in New Jersey

When a couple dissolves their domestic partnership, their status will become as it was prior to entering into the partnership in the first place. Domestic partners must still go through the same types of issues that a divorcing couple does, including property...