Man taken into custody for owing child support

HomeInsightsMan taken into custody for owing child support

A New Jersey man was taken into custody after authorities discovered that he had four warrants out for his arrest after he allegedly failed to pay his child support. According to the report, he allegedly owed more than $22,000 in child support when he was taken into custody on July 2.

A Special Officer was working in the 5000 block area of Cedar Avenue in Lanoka Harbor when he located and identified a 29-year-old man. He was taken into custody after the officer discovered that the man had the warrants issued against him for non-support. The first warrant was reportedly for an amount that was more than $7,700 in unpaid child support. The second warrant was reportedly for more than $5,800, and the third warrant was for more than $5,500. Finally, the fourth warrant was reportedly for an amount of more than $3,600 in unpaid child support. At the time the report was released, the man remained in custody in default of bail. The date of the man’s court hearing was unknown.

When one parent is awarded physical custody of a child, the other parent may be ordered to pay a certain amount inchild support in order to help the custodial parent with the costs of raising a child. While many non-custodial parents comply with these orders, others try to avoid making the payments to the custodial parent.

In some cases, non-custodial parents may refuse due to being bitter or because their circumstances have changed. If the non-custodial parent can no longer afford the cost of the court-ordered child support, an attorney may be able to help them have the amount lowered by proving, via income statements, that they are simply unable to financially comply.

Source: Lacey Patch, ” River Man Arrested On Four Outstanding Child Support Warrants”, Patricia A. Miller, July 16, 2014