2 tips for dealing with a contentious divorce

HomeInsights2 tips for dealing with a contentious divorce

Many people associate a divorce with having to argue with their spouse over everything. For some people, divorce is a calm matter during which the terms are worked out through mutual agreements. Unfortunately, others have to deal with the constant battles because their spouse isn’t willing to negotiate the terms of the split.

When you’re having to fight at every turn during the divorce, it will take its toll on you. It’s best to go into these situations with a clear plan so you can remain as calm as possible.

Curb your reactions

If your spouse is a narcissist, they probably get power from seeing you squirm. They need those emotional outbursts so they can feel like they’re in control. Taking that away from them can help you. It might be necessary to only communicate through non-verbal methods or third parties while the process is ongoing.

Document everything

In order to get their way, your spouse might twist facts or lie outright. It’s best to keep documentation of everything related to the divorce if you’re going through one that’s contentious. Being able to prove your claims can help you considerably as you work to get the marriage legally dissolved.

Going through a divorce with a person who wants to battle over everything is exhausting. Determining what’s truly worth fighting for may help you to reduce your stress in these cases. Having experienced legal guidance from someone who’s compassionate with you but firm with the other side is also important. Be sure you get things in order early in the case so you’re ready as each step comes.