A checklist may minimize divorce errors

HomeInsightsA checklist may minimize divorce errors

The details involved in a divorce can become overwhelming, especially if a New Jersey couple separates after many years of marriage. Although there are some basic issues to address, including property division and often child custody arrangements, there are many less obvious details that could create trouble if ignored. As one moves toward divorce proceedings, it is important to be aware of common errors that could lead to adverse circumstances.

Credit issues can be significant, especially if people fail to monitor their credit reports during the proceedings. It is wise to pull one’s report to identify debts that should be considered during the process. A report should be obtained both at the outset and the end of the divorce. Financial information may be more difficult to secure once the proceedings have commenced, making it a good idea to obtain any important documents and details prior to filing. It is also wise to arrange for a post office box to ensure that personal mail remains confidential. Social media accounts and other online accounts should be addressed through a change of passwords to ensure that the other party no longer has access.

Additional practical issues to address prior to divorce proceedings include handling health care needs while still insured under a spouse’s policy. It is also important to secure heirlooms and other possessions of value to protect them from mishandling. As a divorce action concludes, following through on transfers of retirement accounts is important to ensure that assigned benefits are accessible in the future.

Parents may find that child custody issues are among the most divisive during divorce. An attorney may be helpful to a divorcing parent in negotiating for interests such as holiday visitation, babysitting policies and extra-curricular activity plans. A checklist of priority items may be helpful to ensure that all concerns are addressed.