Are lovebirds who tweet together likely to stay together?

HomeInsightsAre lovebirds who tweet together likely to stay together?

Social media has created a new world of communicating. Whether for business or personal reasons, from the inception of MySpace, to more recent apps like Twitter, Snapchat, Vine and Instagram, communications have become faster and, in some cases, more secretive. If a Snapchat message disappears within 10 seconds after it is posted, what harm can there be? But a new study says that, at least where Twitter is concerned, those that use that app the most are more likely to be involved in conflicts with their partners. These types of conflicts can lead to serious issues, and potentially lead to divorce.

The sample for the study included 581 active Twitter users, defined by statistics of how often the users log into the app and how often they tweet and reply to tweets, along with other data related to the app. Users of all ages were surveyed. After establishing the data for active Twitter users, the researchers looked at the amount of Twitter-related conflict those users had with romantic partners. Based upon that data, the study extrapolated that such conflict could lead to cheating, breakups, or even divorce.

On the other hand, another recent study showed that, of 18-29 year olds, 41 percent of those in serious relationships say that online conversations and “digital tools” have actually helped them resolve conflicts and brought them closer. But that may not be a surprise since that demographic has grown up communicating through social media and may use it more constructively.

It can be argued that social changes in society over the last few decades have influenced divorce rates. From the introduction of more women into the workforce, to unmarried couples living together more prevalently, to the introduction of the Internet, each milestone has affected the opportunities that romantic partners have to make choices about their relationships. 

But just as digital technology can be used for positive and negative, it can also be used to destroy or strengthen relationships. Those couples who do find themselves filing for divorce in New Jersey may learn that social media evidence is often involved. Evidence of infidelity, spending histories, parenting skills or a lack thereof can often be found in Twitter or Facebook postings as well as emails. It is a good idea to have an experienced family law attorney on your side should you find yourself in such a circumstance. 

Source: Time, “Study Claims People Who Frequently Use Twitter May Be More Likely to Cheat and Get Divorced,” Olivia B. Waxman, April 7, 2014