Divorce filings rise in August and March, study finds

HomeInsightsDivorce filings rise in August and March, study finds

New Jersey couples who are considering ending their marriages may be interested to learn that August and March are the peak time for divorce filings. The study that identified this pattern in Washington state was scheduled to be presented at the Meeting of the American Sociological Association.

Researchers suggested that this pattern occurred because couples may consider it to be “taboo” to file for divorce during the holidays and summer vacation. For example, the holidays may be the time when couples work to mend relationships while the summer may be full of activities with the kids. On the other hand, the winter holidays and summer months can also be incredibly stressful for many couples. This may be the time where they decide that they may no longer want to be together.

While the spike of divorce filings in August may occur as this is the time after family vacations finish up and kids’ school start. Researchers also suggested that the filing rise may occur in March as it may take time to get finances in order. Additionally, the coming summer may motivate people to act as it can elevate peoples’ moods. Researchers were planning to see if this pattern was similar in other states.

When a couple does decide that it is time to get a divorce, the divorce proceedings can be stressful and difficult to navigate. A family law attorney may potentially assist an estranged spouse with understanding the process. This may include going through the couples’ finances, any prenuptial agreement that was signed prior to the wedding and any marital real estate and belongings the couple may have. If there are kids involved, the attorney may negotiate a visitation schedule that allows the parent to maintain active in the child’s schooling and extracurricular life.