Divorce mediation — because divorce doesn’t have to be hostile

HomeInsightsDivorce mediation — because divorce doesn’t have to be hostile

You are beyond ready to move on with your life, so you have decided to file for divorce. On the one hand, you feel a sense of freedom. However, on the other hand, you feel worried about the hostility and conflict that may be around the corner for you.

The good news is that, even though you are getting divorced, this does not mean that animosity has to surround the process. Here is a look at how you can make your divorce proceeding in New Jersey easier on both you and your future ex-spouse through divorce mediation.

What is divorce mediation?

Divorce mediation is a process where you and your spouse come together to try to resolve your divorce issues with the help of a neutral third-party mediator. This mediator’s aim is to promote understanding between you and the other party, as well as reconciliation and settlement.

An increasing number of divorcing couples are turning to mediation, as it gives them more control over the outcomes of their divorce situations compared with traditional divorce litigation.

Benefits of divorce mediation

A major benefit of pursuing a mediated divorce is that you and your spouse can come up with a divorce agreement that is mutually satisfactory and equitable when it comes to matters like property division and child custody. Meanwhile, if you go to court, a divorce judge will end up making decisions regarding these matters for you, and the judge’s decisions may not necessarily align with your wishes.

Divorce mediation is also less expensive and traumatic when compared with going to trial, as settlement is usually faster than in litigation. In addition, mediation is especially helpful if you have young children, as it will teach you how to resolve conflicts with the other party — something you will need to do as you co-parent your children in the years ahead.

When is divorce mediation not the best choice?

Although divorce mediation can be a great choice for many divorcing couples, it might not be the best option for every couple. For example, you may not benefit from mediation if you or the other person do not feel comfortable with expressing your opinions completely. In addition, it will not work if either of you are unwilling to find common ground. An attorney can help you to determine whether divorce mediation is a good fit for your divorce situation.