New research published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture says that a spouse with a pornography habit can harm a marriage and increase divorce risk.
According to the research, the spouse interested in pornography has a higher chance of being involved in an extramarital affair, one of the causes of divorce in New Jersey and around the country.
The General Social Survey of more than 550 adults includes data from personal interviews across the United States. In both of the analyses conducted in the study, those spouses who admitted to a pornography habit were linked to higher chances of extramarital affairs.
The main theory behind the research is that pornography supports the belief that extra-marital affairs are acceptable and rewarding, leading viewers to increase their chances of being involved in an affair.
Cheating in a marriage can do serious damage to a marriage and rock the trust between a couple. Even suspicion of an affair can impair communication skills. On its own, a serious pornography habit can also cause problems between spouses, particularly if the other spouse is staunchly opposed to pornography.
Some couples may attempt to overcome an extramarital affair by going to counseling, but this is not always effective. Whether the affair is suspected or a complete shock, spouses may not be able to repair their marriage and communication skills.
A spouse who is contemplating their options to end a marriage may benefit from legal counsel. Hiring an attorney may help you work through the process of the best strategy for your situation.
Source: Huffington Post, “Study says your spouse’s porn habit might not be so harmless after all,” Taryn Hillin, May 9, 2014