Early death in married men may be linked to stressful marriages

HomeInsightsEarly death in married men may be linked to stressful marriages

Divorce can be a very stressful time for any couple who is going through the process in New Jersey. But, of course, staying in an unhappy marriage can be just as heartbreaking and stressful for partners.

Recently, a study was published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health with the finding that stressful marriages can even contribute to early death in men. The study tracked the marriages of close to 10,000 men and women between the ages of 36 and 52 and analyzed their health for 11 years. After analyzing their results, the researchers concluded that men were more likely to experience premature death if they complained of serious conflicts with their nuptial partner.

The study suggests that the inability to resolve differences with your partner may have long-lasting or permanent detrimental effects to your health. It is important that New Jersey residents accept the fact that stress can have an effect on their health. This study concludes that counseling may help to alleviate some of relationship stress and even solve some problems.

Of course, counseling does not always work to keep couples together. In many cases, divorce is the best option to protect your interests. While divorce itself can be stressful, too, much of the stress associated with divorce can be alleviated once the proceedings are over and the marriage is dissolved in the best possible way.

To make sure that your rights are protected in a divorce proceeding, the knowledge of an attorney who understands the legal process may be useful to you. Being able to turn the stress of the legal process over to a professional may relieve at least some of the negative effects of the divorce process. 

Source: The Huffington Post, “Study Says Stressful Marriages Can Lead To Early Death In Men,” Taryn Hillin, May 14, 2014