Flexible co-parenting

HomeInsightsFlexible co-parenting

When parents in New Jersey divorce, one of the most common concerns is parenting time. Even when a couple has joint legal custody, they must still make decisions about the time that the children spend with each parent. When parents are mutually concerned about the best interests of their children, making decisions about visitation typically takes into consideration the needs of all parties involved.

In some cases, however, parents may develop a custody and visitation plan that only takes into consideration the circumstances at the time of the divorce. What may be a good decision for 10-year-olds may not be suitable to the busy academic and social schedules of teenagers.

This is why it is important for parents to consider flexible custody arrangements that allow for circumstances that change as kids grow and develop. When parents work hard to maintain a cordial relationship, creating flexible arrangements is often easier. In some cases, parents involve a professional child custody mediator who can assist in developing a plan that works for everyone and that can be changed as needed over time.

Parents who are making decisions about divorce and child custody may benefit from speaking with an experienced divorce attorney. The lawyer may be able to review the client’s case and make suggestions regarding custody, visitation and child support.

In addition, an attorney may be helpful when parents are attempting to negotiate a modification of their original custody agreement. In such cases, the attorney may be able to work with the other parent’s attorney or a mediator to solidify an acceptable, functional agreement.