Is your marriage headed for divorce?

HomeInsightsIs your marriage headed for divorce?

You and your spouse met in high school and married shortly after graduation. Together you raised a family and built your dream home. Now, the strong bond that you had has fizzled out. You find yourself wondering if the two of you are heading for a divorce.

Sometimes couples drift apart as the years go by. No matter how much you care about each other, the difficulties you go through can derail what the two of you have shared. This can leave your marriage irretrievably broken.

Signs that divorce is on the horizon

Look closely, and you’ll probably see that there have been signs along the way that point to the problems in your marriage, such as:

  • Unhappiness may have slowly crept into your marriage through the years. The situation has become so uncomfortable that you can’t ignore it any longer.
  • Financial problems have driven a wedge between the two of you. One of you is a spender, and one of you is a saver, and you disagree on how to handle your money.
  • Infidelity has brought you to the point of no longer trusting your spouse. You have tried to forgive your partner’s indiscretions, but the hurt is too great to get over.
  • You live like roommates instead of a married couple. You sleep in separate bedrooms, and there’s no shared intimacy.
  • Friends and family are encouraging you to leave your spouse. Those who are closest to you may see red flags that you ignore.
  • You avoid each other. You used to look forward to your partner getting home from work. Now, you hide in your bedroom when you know they’ll soon be home.
  • You argue all of the time. You may no longer be willing to make the compromises needed.

Divorce is never easy, and you shouldn’t try to handle it alone. There’s a lot to deal with, and you must ensure that you understand how the process works.