Mediating your way to a better divorce agreement

HomeInsightsMediating your way to a better divorce agreement

Divorce is never an easy process, even when the two parties are committed to working together to reach a reasonable agreement. When it is possible to work together toward a final order that allows both parties to have stability and security, it may be worthwhile to think about the benefits of divorce mediation. This is an optimal way for many New Jersey couples to resolve their disputes and finalize their divorce quickly.

The mediation process won’t work for everyone, but it could offer you the opportunity to have more control over the terms of your final divorce order. It requires that both parties work through their issues in a reasonable manner. While it does not require that both parties get along or like each other to be effective, it does require that both parties commit to the process.

What happens during mediation?

In the mediation process, you will have the assistance of a neutral third-party mediator. The intent of his or her presence is to provide you with guidance as you work through issues that need resolution. He or she may ask questions or offer suggestions on how you can reach a beneficial outcome on certain matters. Mediation allows you to discuss and resolve all matters concerning child custody, division of marital property, financial support and more.

Traditional litigation is not always necessary. You may find that you are able to specifically address concerns that are unique to your family in mediation. It’s a more personal process, and that may be the right approach for you. Other benefits of mediation include:

  • It takes less time to complete than litigation.
  • It can save you time and money.
  • It is less stressful than going to court.
  • You have more control over your post-divorce future.

Before you make any decisions that will affect you and your kids long-term, you may want to discuss mediation and how it could work for you with a family law attorney. This is smart even if you do not plan to go to court.

The need for representation

Even if you choose mediation for your divorce, you will benefit from having the assistance of an experienced legal ally. An attorney can help you pursue terms that are in your best interests and review any agreement before you sign. There are many reasons why it is prudent to have the support of someone committed to your long-term well-being.