What are some of the most common reasons for divorce?

HomeInsightsWhat are some of the most common reasons for divorce?

Statistics show that around 50% of marriages end in divorce, but no couples enter a marriage believing that it will end that way. The fact is that relationships and people are constantly evolving and changing. So why you will be completely in love with the person you marry, they may change beyond recognition, even to the point that you feel that you do not know them anymore.

You should never feel guilty for considering the possibility of divorce. In fact, going through a divorce could be beneficial for both you, your spouse and the children you share. The following is an overview of some of the most common reasons for divorce.


If one spouse is unfaithful, either sexually or romantically, this can destroy trust in a marriage. When something like this happens, both spouses need to be committed to rebuilding forgiveness and trust.


Addiction can destroy relationships because the addict becomes completely focuses on what they are addicted to instead of maintaining other aspects of their life. Sometimes addicts need to lose everything before they are motivated to seek help for their addiction.


Money issues can bring stress on couples. For example, if one spouse loses a job or is overspending, anger and blame can creep into the relationship, causing a number of different tensions.

If you are currently going through struggles in your marriage, you may want to consider the possibility of filing for divorce. It’s always a good idea to begin by conducting general research to understand how the law would be applied to you if you chose to take that route.