Will you need an expert witness during divorce proceedings?

HomeInsightsWill you need an expert witness during divorce proceedings?

Every divorce is different. In some cases, contested divorces are settled relatively easily. In other cases, you might need to craft a strong case with careful evidence and expert testimony to give you the best chance for a satisfying settlement.

In New Jersey, expert testimony of scientific, technical or specialized knowledge can help to interpret evidence in a case. These experts’ opinions are usually respected and trustworthy. They could significantly help your case.

Why would you need an expert witness?

Not all cases need expert witnesses. However, when cases are complicated or require a clear understanding of a complicated situation, their opinion is a piece of a well-crafted argument. The following are situations where an expert witness in a divorce proceeding could be helpful:

  • The case involves a business owner.
  • The case involves significant property.
  • The case involves high net-worth individuals.
  • The case involves children from a troubled home.

These situations could present difficult financial matters that would be difficult to untangle for the average person.

How do expert witnesses help?

As every situation is unique, each expert witness will provide a different service. These could be individuals who help to determine what is in a child’s best interests for a custody arrangement. They could help in cases where mental health is a complicating factor for either the parents or the child.

Other experts have knowledge in finances. These could be appraisers or forensic accountants. They can help to determine a business or property’s true value. The judge would consider their findings before ruling how to divide property between the married couple.

Each divorcing spouse could hire their own appraiser. This could help a judge come to a reasonable middle ground over contested property value. In cases of child custody, however, those experts usually work for the judicial system. They act as a neutral third party that acts only in the child’s interests.

Expert witnesses can be expensive bur their opinions could significantly impact your case. If you are considering a divorce and have significant property or assets, you may want to explore your legal options.