Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom broke up… so who gets the beach house?

HomeInsightsMiranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom broke up… so who gets the beach house?

One of the most difficult aspects of a divorce can be the splitting of assets. New Jersey abides by the principal of equitable distribution. Our legislature and Courts have long since recognized that each case is unique, and a set of 16 statutory factors must be weighed to address the distribution of assets. N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23.1. Rothman v. Rothman, 65 N.J. 219, 232, 234 (1974).

So what does this really mean? Each case deserves special attention because equitable distribution is not equal distribution. There is no formula that leads to a mechanical division of assets. If Orlando and Miranda lived in New Jersey the Court would have to weigh the various statutory factors before making a determination as to the appropriate distribution of any asset.