Why is mediation especially beneficial to divorcing parents?

HomeInsightsWhy is mediation especially beneficial to divorcing parents?

Using mediation to settle your divorce can benefit any couple, but it is even more important to consider it if you have children. If you do not have children, you never need to see or talk to your spouse again once you divorce. If one of you wishes to move to the North Pole and one to the South Pole, there is nothing to stop you.

If, however, you have a child together, things are much more complicated. You will need to stay in constant communication with each other for years to come to bring your child up. You will need to consider the other parent in many of the decisions you make, and they may even veto your wish to relocate.

Mediation can save you a lot of grief and stress today

Mediation can help you reduce conflict so that you retain the ability to be civil and communicate with each other for the benefit of your child. Mediation also allows you to set the right tone for the future. As a couple about to divorce, you have issues that need solving, and mediation focuses on looking for solutions rather than fighting about your differences.  As co-parents, you will not agree with each other on everything, yet you will need to find a consensus.

Mediation can help parents save money for the future

If you and your spouse litigate your divorce, you will both spend more than if you use mediation. You can use the money you save to ensure a better future for your children and yourselves. If your spouse struggles financially, it will affect your child too.

The other massive benefit of using mediation to settle your divorce is it can protect the mental health of you and your child. A child whose parents have a conflictive relationship will feel less secure than one whose parents do not.