Understanding domestic partnerships

HomeInsightsUnderstanding domestic partnerships

New Jersey residents may benefit from learning more about different issues associated with domestic partnerships and civil unions. First and foremost, domestic partnerships are designed to allow an individual the right to visit a partner being treated at the hospital and to grant authority in making medical decisions. Domestic partnerships may also provide partners with rights to equitable distribution and financial protections. This status may apply to seniors who choose an alternative means to marriage or gay or lesbian couples who desire to be in a legally recognized relationship.

People who wish to extract themselves and divest and divest any personal liability from the relationship may require the assistance of legal counsel. Civil unions are designed to afford lesbian and couples the same rights that are guaranteed to married couples. However, many of the laws involving divorce, dissolutions and taxes are federally based and may affect people in a civil union differently than couples who are married.

Equitable distribution and alimony requests associated with a civil union may be treated differently in a court of law. People separating from a domestic partnership or civil union are typically governed by different laws since these arrangements are rarely recognized by federal laws. People involved in these types of relationships may require unique solutions to protect their personal assets or long-term interests in the event of a separation.

Our legal counsel is ready to discuss any concerns you have and may assist with developing strategies to reach an amicable resolution. Our lawyers may be able to evaluate how the dissolution will be affected by New Jersey laws and explore the options available for protecting your assets or financial interests going forward. People who need assistance with separating from civil unions may benefit from visiting our page on domestic partnerships.

Source: Newsome O’Donnell , “Morristown Domestic Partnership Lawyers“, December 02, 2014