Online dating sites may actually have positive effects for New Jersey residents. According to one study, it could actually create stronger marriages and allow people greater chances to make connections thanks to an increased dating pool. This may be responsible for a...
We Listen. We Think. We Find Solutions.
Month: October 2017
How divorce may help save money
Few New Jersey couples look forward to getting divorced. It can be an emotionally draining time for themselves and their children. However, once a divorce is finalized, there may be no one to scrutinize another person's spending or other financial habits. Those who...
Unpaid child support and wage garnishment
New Jersey workers whose wages are garnished for child support are more likely to be men than women. A nationwide study by the ADP Research Institute that was released on Sept. 27 found that of the 7 percent of workers who had wage garnishments in 2016, nearly three...
Financial mistakes to avoid in a divorce
Many New Jersey couples who get a divorce may be dealing with issues such as property division, alimony and child support. There are a number of common financial mistakes people tend to make around these issues that can be easily avoided if they are aware of them.It...